
Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users. This helps us to provide you with the best experience possible and also allows us to make improvements to our website. The law requires that we provide you with certain information regarding cookies. This policy explains what cookies are, what types of cookies are placed on your computer when you visit our site and what they are used for. By visiting (“our website”) you accept and consent to the practices described in this policy.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that we store on your device when you visit our website. These cookies can collect information about your activity relating to the website. These are primarily used to enable us to improve our website. We cannot identify you as an individual through the cookies generated when you visit our site.

Types of cookies

When you visit our website, some or all of the following cookies may be saved to your device.

Cookie name

How long is it stored?

What does it do?

_ga2 yearsThis is used to distinguish users.
_utma2 years from set/updateThis is used to distinguish users and their sessions.
_utmb30 mins from set/updateThis is used to distinguish users’ new sessions/visits.
_utmcEnd of browser sessionThis is used together with _utmb to register users’ exit times.
_utmz6 months from set/updateThis identifies the traffic source, explaining how users reached our website.
_utmz2 years from set/updateThis stores data relating to visitor behaviour and allows us to measure site performance.

Your rights

We need your consent for cookies to be placed on your device. By accessing our website with cookies enabled, you are giving your consent to us placing cookies on your device. If you wish to withdraw this consent, please update your cookie settings by following the instructions below.

Disabling cookies

You can disable cookies in your web browser. However, this will disable all cookies used by your browser, including those from other websites, which may cause certain settings or information to be altered or lost. Disabling cookies may change your browsing experience on our website, or may make navigating the website more difficult. You can disable cookies in your web browser as follows:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and above

1. Go to “Tools”, then “Internet Options”.

2. Click on the “Privacy” tab.

3. Under “Cookies”, select the level of privacy you require.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1

1. Go to “Tools”, then “Internet Options”.

2. Click on the “Security” tab. Select “Internet” and then click “Custom Level”.

3. Under “Cookies”, select the level of privacy you require.

Netscape 6.x and 7.x

1. Go to “Edit”, then “Preferences”.

2. Click on “Privacy & Security”.

3. Under “Cookies”, select the level of privacy you require.


1. Go to “Tools”, then “Options”.

2. Click on the “Privacy” tab.

3. Under “Cookies”, select the level of privacy you require.

Safari 6.x for Mac OS X

1. Go to “Safari”, then “Preferences”.

2. Click on the “Privacy” tab.

3. Under “Cookies”, select the level of privacy you require.


Any questions, comments and requests regarding this cookie policy should be addressed to

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